Investment July 2004
Business Specialist Care
Why we invested
Demand for specialist care for people with learning disabilities and challenging behaviour is growing, and there is a continuing trend of public sector outsourcing to independent providers. At the time of our investment, the industry’s growing regulatory demands were putting pressure on smaller operators, providing scope for consolidation, and this was an opportunity to support a leading provider in pursuing an ambitious acquisition-led growth strategy.
Increase in homes
The result
During the three years of our investment, Regard made eight bolt-on acquisitions and increased its number of homes from 60 to 101. This included a transformational merger in the north of England, which spearheaded the company’s geographic expansion. Regard achieved this growth while delivering excellent ratings for the quality of its care.
In 2007, our investment was successfully realised as part of a secondary buyout of the business.
Roger Storey,Chairman