Investment December 2004
Business Specialist Care
Why we invested
Advanced Childcare has a long track record of delivering positive outcomes for “Looked After Children” and building successful partnerships with public sector commissioners. As Local Authorities increasingly looked to outsource care and education of vulnerable children to the private sector, regulatory demands grew and care standards increased. This strengthened Advanced Childcare’s position as a preferred provider. This was an opportunity to support an experienced management team to roll out new residential homes and to extend its services into foster care provision.
Increase in homes
The result
During the six years of our ownership, Advanced Childcare increased its number of homes from eight to 24 and became the largest provider of contracted beds to the public sector in its market. In addition, it built a successful foster care business. In parallel, the company achieved industry-leading quality ratings for its care and education.
In 2011, the company was sold to GI Partners.
Riz Khan,Founder